Sunday, January 24, 2016
St. Xenia of Petersburg
Today’s Readings: Colossians 3:4-11 Luke 18:35-43
Congratulations to Lada and Maksim Cawood on their Baptism into the Orthodox Faith this weekend. Lada and Maksim are the grandchildren of parishioner Klavdia Cawood. Many Years to the Cawood family!
40-Day Memorial for Repose of Felicity Allen will follow Liturgy this Sunday. Miss Felicity is the mother of parishioner Mary Bradshaw.
Welcome back to St. Athanasius Ward Luke Allen! Luke has moved back to Lexington to live with his daughter Mary Bradshaw.
Moleben for Local Needs (St. Nicholas) on Tuesday at 11am. Email any special prayer requests for this service to Fr. Justin.
Wednesday Vespers at 6:30pm and our weekly catechesis follows ~7:20pm.
Parish Council Meeting has been moved to Thursday, February 4.
Feast for the Synaxis of the 3 Holy Hierarchs is Saturday, Jan. 30. Great Vespers for the Feast will be served on Friday at 6:30pm and Liturgy for the Feast will be served at 9am on Saturday.