Final Wednesday Evening Presanctified Liturgy of this Lent on April 20 at 5:55pm, followed by soup & salad meal and readings.
End-of-Lent Vespers at 6:30pm on Friday, April 22. Following this service, Father Justin will hear adult confessions for the last time until after Pascha. Please email Father if you need to schedule another time for confession.
Lazarus Liturgy will be served at 9am on Lazarus Saturday, April 23. A Lenten pancake breakfast will follow. You are asked to bring griddles to cook the pancakes and fruits and nuts to share. Fr. Justin will begin hearing children’s confessions at 11:15am while palm folding and other crafts are going on. Come and enjoy this festive day, foreshadowing the Resurrection.
Vigil for Palm Sunday will begin at 6:30m on Saturday the 23rd. Palm blessings will be included during Vigil.
On Palm Sunday, Lovell Foushee and his son Maksim will be received into the Orthodox Faith at 9am. There is no Sunday School scheduled, so we hope you will come and share in this celebration with the Foushee family.