Sunday, December 11, 2016 – Sunday of the Holy Forefathers
Today’s Readings: Colossians 3:4-11 Luke 14:16-24
Feast of St. Herman of Alaska is Tuesday, December 13. Great Vespers for St. Herman will be served at 6:30pm on Tuesday with confessions being heard following. Divine Liturgy for St. Herman will be served at 9:30am on the 13th.
Vespers served on Wednesday the 14th at 6:30pm. Fr. Justin will present part 10 of the Intro to Orthodoxy, “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” beginning at 7:20pm. Small Compline for Nativity Fast at 8:20pm. Check parish website for previous classes in this series.
Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Nativity Services
?Friday, December 23, Pre-Feast of Nativity
•9:30am Royal Hours of Nativity, 11am Confessions
•6:30pm Vespers of Pre-Feast, 7:20pm Confessions
?Saturday, December 24, Nativity Eve
•9am Liturgy of Nativity Eve w/Vesperal Readings
•6:30pm Nativity Vigil
?Sunday, December 25, Nativity of our Lord
•8am Christmas Day Liturgy