While the words “Lent is coming” can inspire a sense of dread, more often than not, Orthodox Christians truly look forward to the intense physical and spiritual stretching associated with Great Lent. The Lenten Fast begins on Clean Monday (Feb. 27 this year) and is anticipated with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday evening. Great Lent is a time not only for fasting, but for increased prayer, church attendance, and almsgiving. Almsgiving, in particular, is looked upon as vital component of Lenten piety. (If you are looking for two ways to give and/or be involved, you might consider International Orthodox Christian Charities or our local Jessamine County Food Pantry.) It is also customary to make Confession at least once (preferably twice) during this time, as we examine our hearts and put our sins with repentance before the Lord. (Check out our Guide to Confession.) Similarly, it is vital that we pull back drastically from normal distractions. In particular, we ought to to turn off the television and abstain from films and other shows during this season–to allow time for more prayer, to read the Scriptures more, and to engage in extra acts of Christian service. By carving out that space for our Lord, we position ourselves to behold His Glorious Passion and Resurrection!
We invite not only Orthodox Christians, but also anybody who is interested in making this journey with us–even in part–to join us for any and all of our Lenten services and activities. Our full Lenten Booklet can downloaded by accessing this link (with calendar) and this link. (When printed up double-sided, it comprises one booklet with calendar, fasting information, a pastoral letter, and a guide for Holy Week.) For more about the meaning and significance of Great Lent, read this classic article by Mother Mary and Bishop Kallistos Ware.
As we look forward to the super-intense Clean Week (1st Week of Lent,) we remind our parishioners to sign-up to contribute to our weekly Wednesday night Soup & Salad meals, by bringing food at least 3 times during Lent. Here is our schedule for Clean Week:
- Sun. Feb. 26, 5pm: Forgiveness Vespers with Rite of Forgiveness
- Mon. Feb. 27, 9am: Lenten Matins (Confessions) Full Fasting Begins
- Mon. Feb. 27, 630pm: Compline w/ Great Canon (Confessions)
- Tue. Feb. 28, 9am: Lenten Matins (Confessions)
- Tue. Feb. 28, 630pm: Compline w/ Great Canon (Confessions)
- Wed. March 1, 555pm: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts
- Soup & Salad Meal (online sign-up) w/ Reading of Ladder after Liturgy
- Thu. March 2, 9am: Great Canon (Wed. portion)
- Thu. March 2, 630pm: Compline w/ Great Canon (Confessions)
- Fri. March 3, early am: Departure of Group to Dormition Monastery for Retreat
- Fri. March 3, 12pm: Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (St. Theodore Sat.)
- Sat. March 4, 615pm: Memorial Prayers for Departed Soldiers
- Sat. March 4, 630pm: Vigil for Sunday of Orthodoxy (Confessions)
- Sun. March 5, 9am: Sunday School
- Sun. March 5, 10am: Liturgy for Sunday of Orthodoxy (bring icons!)
- Sun. March 5, 5pm: Pan-Orthodox Vespers @ St. Michael’s in Louisville