4th Sunday of Lent – St. John Climacus (of the Ladder)
Today’s Readings: Hebrews 6:13-20 Mark 9:17-31
Presanctified Liturgy is at 5:55pm on Wednesday, March 29 followed by our Lenten soup & salad meal w/reading from St. John Climacus.
Matins w/St. Andrew Canon and Reading of the Life of St. Mary of Egypt will be on Thursday, March 30 beginning at 9am. The service lasts approximately 3 hours. If you are available to help read at this service, please let Fr. Justin know.
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts w/hymns for St. Innocent and Theotokos will be served at 11am on Friday. Father will be available for confessions beginning at 10am. This is the final Friday Presanctified Liturgy for this Lent.