Sunday, July 30, 2017 — 8th Sunday After Pentecost
Today’s Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 14:14-22
Welcome Fr. Gabriel and Fr. Dcn. Macarius, who traveled from Holy Cross Monastery in West Virginia to serve our weekend cycle of services. Thank you for sharing your weekend with us!
Feast of the Procession of the Life-Giving Cross is August 1. Dormition Fast begins August 1 and continues thru August 14.
Reader’s Vespers on Wednesday, August 2 at 6:30pm. Parishioner, Dr. David Bradshaw will teach on the “Passion and the Passions: Orthodoxy and Life in the World.” This talk will explore ways that the teachings of the Fathers can provide help in our daily lives today. Dr. Bradshaw is a professor of Philosophy and Modern & Classical Languages Literatures & Cultures at the University of Kentucky.