10th Sunday After Pentecost – Feast for St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
Today’s Readings: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16 Matthew 17:14-23
The Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, August 15 Evening Service (Vigil) will not be served at St. Athanasius on Monday evening (as indicated on the printed calendar), but will be held with Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Louisville, celebrating its altar-feast with Great Vespers at 6pm Monday night. Fr. Justin will be leading a group of our parishioners there for service and refreshments following. Assumption GOC is located at 930 Ormsby Lane in Louisville. Liturgy for the Feast will be served at St. Athanasius at 9:30am Tuesday. Bring breakfast foods to share as we break the fast together in the parish hall after Liturgy.
Wednesday Evening Vespers will be served this week as usual at 6:30pm. Our Christian Education this week will be a video on the Shroud of Turin, associated with the Icon “Not Made By Hands” which is commemorated on Wednesday.