Today’s Readings: Galatians 6:11-18 Luke 8:41-56
Youth Group is hosting Fellowship Hour Today with their annual “Chili Cook-off” to raise money for summer camp. Also they will begin a silent auction that will run until the 19th, so you have 2 weeks to browse the creative items being offered. Please bring cash or check on Sunday, November 19 to pay for the items you won.
A Moleben (interessory prayer) to The Archangels will be prayed at 9am on Wednesday, November 8 for their feast day.
Weekly Vespers Service on Wednesday at 6:20pm followed by our Christian Education Class at 7:20pm. Fr. Justin continues teaching from These Truths We Hold.
Lifetouch Photography wants to see you on Friday the 10th or Saturday the 11th for a photo session. Please schedule an appointment so that you will be included in our new parish directory.