Great Lent in the Orthodox Church began on March 2, “Clean Monday,” and continues through most of April. During Lent, Orthodox Christians traditionally engage in deep efforts related to prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and increased attendance of services: all to prepare us for Holy Week and Pascha (Orthodox Easter,) which are the days that define our lives. We invite you to join us for any of our services (see google calendar.) In particular, here are some highlights of the season heading into Holy Week and Pascha:
- March 2-6: Clean Week—services/Confessions morning & evening (see calendar)
- March 8: Sunday of Orthodoxy Liturgy & Procession of Icons (10am)
- Post-Liturgy Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Project Mexico
- 5pm Pan-Orthodox Vespers at Assumption GOC Louisville
- March 14: Soul Saturday Liturgy with Panikhida (9am)
- March 21: Saturday Lenten Talk with Fr. Silviu Bunta (4-530pm) & Vigil of the Cross (530-730pm)
- March 22: Sunday of the Cross Liturgy (Guest Preacher Fr. Silviu Bunta)
- March 24: Annunciation Eve Vigil (630pm)
- March 25: Annunciation Vesperal Liturgy (530pm)
- March 28: Slavonic Liturgy (10am)
- March 29-April 1: Annual Youth Retreat
- April 2: Half-Day Retreat for 5th Thursday in Lent (9am-noon)
- April 3: Akathist to the Theotokos (730pm)
- April 11: Lazarus Saturday Liturgy (9am)
- w/Pancake Breakfast, Children’s Confessions, Palm-Folding, Egg-Dyeing, and more…
- Vigil for Palm Sunday (630pm)
- April 12: Palm Sunday Liturgy (10am) & Festive Lunch
- April 13-18: +Holy Week 2020+
- April 19: +The PASCHA of the Lord (Easter)+