For Orthodox Chrisitans, there is no time like Holy Week and the “Feast of Feasts,” Pascha. If you have never experienced these holy days, we invite you to watch our 7-part series on Holy Week & Pascha, made during the most trying Pascha of our lives–Pascha 2020. With deep gratitude to God, our St. Athanasius parish family is excited to be looking forward to a fully open and nearly “normal” Paschal season–with visitors being welcomed warmly! If you are thinking of coming, please look at our handy Guide for Holy Week & Pascha 2021. (Our full online calendar is here and a pdf of our April and early May schedule can be accessed here.) We invite you to take a look at our simple Covid guidelines here. We are excited that we will have a large tent next to the church to allow for added fellowship space throughout Holy Week and Pascha! We also plan to livestream services from the nave into the downstairs hall for others who wish to be close to the action but need more space.
We invite you to join us for any of these rich services coming up:
- Sat. Apr. 24 9am Lazarus Saturday Liturgy
- 1020am Pancake Breakfast
- 11am Children’s Confessions (ages 8-16)
- 1130am Palm Folding, Egg-dyeing, Pisanky, field games for kids, & decorating church
- Sat. Apr. 24 630pm Palm Sunday Vigil w. blessing of Palms
- Sun. Apr. 25 10am Festal Liturgy for Palm Sunday
- 12pm Procession & Coffee Fellowship
- Sun. Apr. 25 Bridegroom Matins Service at Berea College (TBA)
- Mon. Apr. 26 9am Hours with Gospel of John (ch. 1-6)
- Mon. Apr. 26 630pm Bridegroom Matins
- Tue. Apr. 27 9am Hours with Gospel of John (ch. 7-13)
- Tue. Apr. 27 630pm Bridegroom Matins (Hymn of Cassiane)
- Wed. Apr 28 11am Final Presanctified Liturgy
- Wed. Apr. 28 630pm Bridegroom Matins (Betrayal & Supper) w. Anointing
- Thu. Apr. 29 10am Vesperal Liturgy of the Mystical Supper
- Thu. Apr. 29 630pm Matins w. 12 Passion Gospels (3+ hours!)
- Fri. Apr. 30 9am Holy Friday Royal Hours of the Passion
- Decorating of the Tomb with flowers following…
- Fri. Apr. 30 3pm Entombment Vespers
- Fri. Apr. 30 630pm Matins for Holy Saturday w. Procession
- All-Night Psalter Reading (online sign-up)
- Sat. May 1 9am Baptisms
- Sat. May 1 10am Vesperal Liturgy of Great & Holy Saturday
- Light Meal of Bread, Wine, and Fruits
- Church clean-up following…
- 7pm Reading of Acts begins (online sign-up)
- Sat. May 1 1130pm +Paschal Nocturnes+
- Sun. May 2 +Midnight Paschal Procession & Paschal Matins+
- Sun. May 2 120am +Paschal Liturgy+ & Agape Meal in Hall (~3am)
- Sun. May 2 Paschal Parade (Time TBA)
- Sun. May 2 2pm +Agape Paschal Vespers & Picnic+ served in our giant tent
- Full Meal, Easter Egg Hunt, Various Activities till dusk
- Mon. May 3 10am Bright Monday Paschal Liturgy (St. Athanasius Day Observed)
- Festal picnic following
- Tue. May 4 10am Bright Tuesday Paschal Matins
- Wed. May 5 630pm Paschal Vespers
- Bonfire and Cookout following
- Thu. May 6 5pm Paschal Vespers
- Fri. 9am Paschal Liturgy for Life-Giving Spring
Here are some photos of parish life since February: