3nd Sunday of Great Lent
Veneration of the Precious Cross
Mid-Point of Great Lent
Upcoming Weekday Services / Events
- Wednesday, March 30 – Presanctified Liturgy at 6:30pm
Don’t forget to signup to bring food for the Soup n Salad Meal that follows. - Thursday, March 31 – Akathist to St. Innocent at 11am (confessions following)
- Youth Retreat March 31 – April 1. Please keep them in prayer.
- Thursday, March 31 – Choir Rehearsal 7-9pm
- No Service on Friday. Fr. Justin will be attending the youth retreat this day hearing their confessionsand serving the Presanctified Liturgy for them.
- St. Elizabeth Sisterhood Lenten Book Study 10am – 12pm