7th Sunday after Pentecost
Forefeast of the Life-giving Cross
The Dormition Fast Begins tomorrow August 1 and continues thru August 14.
August 1—Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord—On Monday at 5pm Fr. Justin will lead an Akathist to the Cross (for the Cross Procession) and following he will be available for confessions.
On Wednesday (for the Dormition Fest) we will pray an intercessory prayer, The Paraclesis to The Theotokos, a beautiful extended hymn of reflection, at 6:30pm (instead of Vespers). Our weekly Christian Ed Class will feature “Summertime Feasts & Fasts” with Fr. Justin teaching.
An Akathist to Jesus Christ, Light in Darkness will be prayed on Friday, August 5 at 11am. Father will be available to hear confessions following this service.
August 6—Feast for the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ—A Vigil service will be held on Friday the 5th at 6:30pm with confessions following. The Festal Liturgy will be at 9am on Saturday the 6th.