“Today the Virgin comes to the cave
to give birth to the Eternal Word.
Hear the glad tidings and rejoice, O universe!
Glorify with the angels and the shepherds
the Eternal God, Who is willing to appear as a little child!”
-Kontakion, Forefeast of the Nativity
Soon, our Church will celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ! We will be serving the full Nativity cycle at our parish, and welcome all who are able to join us in celebrating this Feast of the Incarnation. The three-day celebration will begin on Friday, December 23rd and end the morning of December 25th. We will also be celebrating Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Theotokos the morning of December 26th. A full service schedule follows below:
Friday, December 23rd
7:00am – Royal Hours
5:00pm – Great Vespers for Nativity Eve
5:45pm – Confessions
Saturday, December 24th
9:00am – Liturgy for Nativity Eve
10:30am – Light Lenten Brunch
11:00am – Great Vespers for Nativity
12:15pm – Confessions
6:30pm – Vigil for Nativity (Great Compline + Matins)
Sunday, December 25th
9:00am – Liturgy for Nativity
12:00pm – Common Meal
Monday, December 26th
9:00am – Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Theotokos