The Apostles’ Fast begins on Monday, June 11 with the Feast of Ss. Barnabus and Bartholomew and will end on Saturday, June 30 the day after the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul (because the feast falls on a Friday). This fast is the least intense fast of our liturgical year. All weekends, along with all Tuesday and Thursdays, are wine and oil days, though we still abstain from meat and dairy products during this fast.
During the three Wednesdays of the Apostles’ Fast, Fr. Justin will be teaching on the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Galatians. Father will not only be taking advantage of some modern commentaries, but also making extensive use of the Commentary on Galatians by St. Theophylact, one of the classic patristic sources now available for the first time in English. Listed below is the schedule for this summer Scripture Study. All classes will be held at 7:30pm in the parish hall following the Wednesday night Vespers service at 6:30pm.
Wednesday, June 13 – Galatians 1 & 2
Wednesday, June 20 – Galatians 3 & 4
Wednesday, June 27 – Galatians 5 & 6