The Building Steering Committee met for the 2nd time formally last Thursday. One of the things we discussed was the need to communicate effectively with you as council and with the parish, at large. To that end, we committed to a bi-weekly update of our weekly meetings (and any additional meetings that may fall in that two-week period). We are began (as you might have noticed) a regular building bulletin insert to keep the parish updated. These weekly inserts may include everything from scheduling info about meetings, to photos, to inspirational points that relate to the building project and our work.
During our August 31st meeting, the Building Steering Committee discussed the process of architect selection. We spoke about the many architects our parish has had dealings with over the last seven years (Andrew Gould of SC, Bob Latsko of Michigan, Alex Chrisophorides of Ohio, Tony Bayus of Louisville, Deacon James Byrant of WA, and even Chris Kamages of Greek fame). We have, to varying degrees, followed these architects’ careers, and observed both strengths and weaknesses. During this first meeting, there was strong consensus in our group that Tom Smith is a clear front-runner. Some of the things that jumped out to us about Tom were:
- He is local
- He is Orthodox and thus has practical knowledge of our liturgics
- He has intimate knowledge of the subtleties of bluegrass architecture.
- He designed the most beautiful Orthodox Church in KY (St George Chapel, Louisville)
- He has demonstrated a clear commitment to the project through his volunteer time
- He personally works well with the building steering committee
- He comes highly recommended to us (via Fr. Alexander Atty particularly)
There was consensus among the committee members that, provided Tom “checks out,” we would be inclined to put forward Tom Smith to the council as the sole “recommended candidate.” But, before we could do that, we wanted to do some homework. Father Justin was asked to speak with both Tom Smith and Fr. Alexander Atty about a variety of questions the BSC identified in its meeting. In addition, at that first meeting, the BSC discussed various housekeeping issues related to the property, such as a property work day, mowing arrangements, and we began exploring options on “future home” signage for the new property.
The BSC spent most of the remainder of our time discussing a timeline in light of the geotech-inspired goal of breaking ground in June or July. A basic timetable will be proposed to parish council:
- Wed. Sept 12: Moleben on Property, Clean-up, and Picnic
- Wed. Sept. 19: Building Needs document review meeting (w/ prep for parish and stewards before hand)
- Wed. Sept. 26: Talk on Theology of Orthodox Temple by Matushka Tamara
- Wed. Oct. 3: Tentative Talk from Architect Tom Smith (re-introduction to parish)