The building project is moving forward! The most significant good news is that the civil engineers have uncovered the fact that our property will not require either a detention pond or a subterranean detention basin. This will save us between $60-70,000! The civil engineer is also meeting with Wal-Mart next week to ask them formally to gift a small strip of land (just a couple of feet wide) on Village Parkway. This strip of land was part of Wal-Mart’s original parcel that was purchased before Village Parkway was laid down. We would like to own that strip so that, in the future, we could add road and sidewalk access when we deem it necessary.
At the same time, looking at finances, the Building Steering Committee has confirmed that we will need to hold in reserve (from this building campaign) at least $80,000 in order to meet the increase in mortgage payment over the first 5 years of our holding the new mortgage. This is something we already planned for, but we are working very hard to make sure we keep the project to our planned budget (i.e., under a million dollars for new construction) so that we have the funds on hand to responsibly handle our new mortgage.
What lies ahead:
-On Wednesday, June 26, we will serve Vespers on the property and celebrate the burning of the mortgage for our property. (Our first attempt was rained out!) Because it is a fast-free week, we will hold a parish picnic afterwards and enjoy non-fasting foods and drinks!
-Architect Tom Smith is coordinating his work with the civil, structural, and mechanical engineers. Tom is hoping to receive their completed work by July 1. Tom will be working with the BSC to review the work of the engineers as their work comes in to Tom, so that he can quickly integrate that work into his final plans to be presented for review by the civil authorties and put out for contractors to bid in the first half of July.
-In mid to late July, the parish council, the diocese, and parish at large will review and comment on the plans, with the chance for us to catch any detail-related problems.
-On Aug.4, the BSC and council is shooting to host a parish meeting to approve the Final Plans, the Contractor Selection, and the Financing Package for our project.
-On August 10, Bishop Mark of Baltimore, with the blessing of Vladyka Nikon, will preside over our groundbreaking ceremonies. The groundbreaking will take place that Saturday evening in conjunction with Great Vespers. A reception for all our visitors will be held after the service. Stay tuned for more information about this major event in the history of our parish!