Sunday, July 3, 2016
All Saints of America / All Saints of Russia
Today’s Readings: Romans 2:10-16 Matthew 4:18-23
Barbecue Potluck Today for fellowship hour in pre-celebration of the national holiday, Independence Day, on Monday, 4th of July!
Moleben w/Akathist to American Saints for Local Needs will be prayed on Tuesday at 11am (service lasts ~45min).
Wednesday Evening Vespers at 6:30pm followed by our ongoing study of Romans during our weekly Christian Education class at 7:20pm. Audio from previous sessions of “Journey Through Romans” is now available on the parish website. We will conclude this study next week on the 13th.
Sunday, July 17, we will honor St. Elizabeth the New Martyr. Her feast is commemorated on July 18 (new calendar). Feel free to bring flowers in a vase to adorn her icon July 16 (Vigil) or July 17 (Liturgy). In keeping with St. Elizabeth’s ministry to the health needs of the poor, the St. Elizabeth Sisterhood will also take up a collection to benefit HealthPoint Family Care in Nicholasville, a nonprofit medical center.