Sunday, January 8, 2017
29th Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday After Theophany
Today’s Readings: Ephesians 4:7-13 Matthew 4:12-17
Blessing of Church and Car Blessing Immediately After Liturgy this Sunday. (Procession to Lake Mingo is cancelled for this year.)
Youth Group meets this Sunday evening at the home Bert & Laura Walther from 6-7:30pm. Bring $1 (per slice) for pizza.
No Moleben This Tuesday. Fr. Justin is hoping to save his voice for house blessings.
Wednesday Vespers served at 6:30pm followed by our weekly education class at 7:20pm. A 2-Month Christian Education Series on “Questions of Faith” begins this Wednesday with the special topic “The Virgin Mary.” Alana Sheldahl, a graduate of Asbury Seminary and Orthodox believer for the past 15 years, will lead this class, reflecting in particular on the place of Mary in the work of salvation, her place in the Liturgy, and even how we see Mary in the Old Testament. Come ready to discuss and ask your own question that relate to the Virgin Mary!