As Christmas approaches, we get ready for a number of beloved services and we invite visitors to join us! First of all, we will have our own ruling bishop, Archbishop Alexander, leading our Nativity Vigil (Sunday at 630pm) and our Christmas Day Liturgy! Additionally, an old friend of our community, Archbishop Mark of Pennsylvania, will be visiting the Sunday after Christmas. Our full parish life calendar has been updated through Feb. 18 (Forgiveness Sunday.) Here’s the details of our Nativity through Theophany schedule:
Nativity Cycle
- Wed. Dec. 20, 630pm Vespers of Forefeast of Nativity
- Wed. Dec. 20, 830pm Small Compline w/ Pre-Festal Canon (Confessions)
- Fri. Dec. 22, 9am Royal Hours (Confessions) & Parish Work Day (cleaning)
- Fri. Dec. 8pm Small Compline w Canon (Confessions)
- Sat. Dec. 23, 630pm Great Vespers (Confessions)
- Sun. Dec. 24, 10am Christmas Eve Liturgy w/ Fellowship Hour
- Sun. Dec. 24, 630pm Nativity Vigil w/ Archbishop Alexander
- Mon. Dec. 25, 740am Greeting of Archbishop Alexander
- Mon. Dec. 25, 8am Pontifical Christmas Liturgy
- Tue. Dec. 26, 9am Liturgy for Synaxis of Theotokos (2nd Day of Christmas)
New Year/Circumcision/St. Basil Cycle
- Sat. Dec. 30, 630pm Great Vespers (Confessions)
- Sun. Dec. 31, 10am Liturgy with Archbishop Mark
- Sun. Dec. 31, 630pm Great Vespers for New Year & Feast
- followed by a New Year’s Eve Dance/Celebration till midnight in hall
- Mon. Jan. 1, 10am New Year Liturgy & Moleben
Theophany Cycle
- Fri. Jan. 5, 9am Royal Hours (Confessions)
- Fri. Jan 5, 630pm Theophany Vigil (Confessions)
- Sat. Jan. 6, 9am Theophany Liturgy w/ Indoor Water Blessing
- Sat. Jan. 6, 1pm Pan-Orthodox Blessing of Ohio River near Louisville
- Sat. Jan 6, 630pm Great Vespers (Confessions)
- Sun. Jan. 7, 10am Liturgy w/ Great Blessing of Waters at Lake Mingo
- The Blessing of Homes begins January 7 through end of month