Today’s Readings: Romans 13:11-14:4 Matthew 6:14-21
Cheesefare Sunday / Forgiveness Sunday
Forgiveness Sunday/Cheesefare Sunday/Beginning of Lent
? Cheesefare Potluck for Fellowship/Coffee Hour today. ? Forgiveness Vespers at 5pm this Sunday. ? Clean Week – 1st Week of Great Lent — 2/19-23
Today is the last day we eat dairy products until Pascha. The coming week is a strict fasting time eating only simple foods like nuts, vegetables, fruits, bread. A cooked meal is allowed on Wednesday & Friday after Presanctified Liturgy. By spending less time on food preparation, we should be spending more time in prayer. Lenten Services and confession times are offered each day of the coming week. Fr. Justin encourages you to make a confession at least two times during Lent. If you cannot make the scheduled times on the calendar, please email him to arrange a time.
During Great Lent, Presanctified Liturgy will be served on Wednesdays at 6:15pm and Fridays at 11am. On Wednesdays we will share a soup & salad meal as we read from Lives of Everyday Saints. Check your email for the link to the online signup for the Wednesday soup/salad meals. Note: We will pick up with our weekly Christian Eduation Class in mid April after Bright Week.