All Saints Sunday
Today’s Readings: Heb. 11:33-12-12:2 Matt. 10:32-33,37-38;19:27-30
On the Sunday of All Saints, we remember and celebrate the lives of all those who have gone before us in the faith: our fathers, forefathers, the apostles, preachers, evangelists, teachers, hierarchs and martyrs. The readings which are appointed for this day remind us that countless worshipers of God have sacrificed their lives for the faith which we have inherited.
Blessing of the New Bells will take place today right after Liturgy.
Youth Group annual outing to Red River Gorge is this afternoon. The group will leave church at 1pm and return shortly after 8pm.
2018 Vacation Church School will be held in the parish hall this coming week Monday – Thursday from 9am till noon.
Vespers at 6:30 and Christian Education Class at 7:20pm every Wednesday. This week Fr. Justin will talk about the Nicene Saints. Everyone is welcome!