Christ is Risen! Our St. Athanasius parish family is still celebrating the Pascha of our Lord (i.e., the Resurrection in light of Easter) up until the Ascension on June 6. You can explore beautiful and full photo galleries of Great Lent, the Archbishop’s Visit on Lazarus Saturday & Palm Sunday, and Holy Week-Pascha. A much smaller gallery is included at the bottom of this post.
While we are still in Paschaltide, our attention here in the parish is quickly turning to events in the early summer. Here is what is coming up in addition to our usual service schedule:
- Sunday School Picnic at Highbridge Park in Wilmore on Sunday, May 19, right after the Liturgy. We celebrate wrapping up our Sunday School year, honor our Sunday School teachers, share a festive potluck, and enjoy the afternoon!
- Ongoing Christian Education every Wednesday night at 720pm after our 630pm Vespers. For all of May and June, we are working our way through the monumental “Fundamentals of the Social Teaching of the Russian Orthodox Church.” Discussion has been rich so far and we invite you to join us! The full text from which our discussion spring can be found here.
- Slavic Retreat Night & Liturgy with Hieromonk Arkady Migunov will include
- 6pm Tuesday, May 28, Slavonic Vespers & Dinner plus Spiritual Talk
- 9am Wednesday, May 29, Slavonic Liturgy & Breakfast
- 720pm Wednsday, May 29 Confessions in Russian
- Annual Youth Group End-of-Year Hike in Red River Gorge after Liturgy on Sun
day, June 2
- Our Annual Vacation Church School for Pre-K to 6th grader, June 3-6 (ending on June 6 with Ascension Liturgy and water play day at the church) Online VCS registration is happening now (and we need your online registration by Sunday, May, 26, if your child is to receive a sized t-shirt)
- Full cycle of Festal Services for Ascension and Pentecost (see google calendar!)