26th Sunday After Pentecost
Col. 3:4-11 Epistle Reading
Luke 14:16-24 Gospel Reading
We welcome scholar and former student of our own Archbishop Alexander, Father Silviu Bunta. Father shared with our college students on Friday night, and led a day retreat this past Saturday, here in the parish. We are using Fr. Silviu’s newly-translated Service Book for the Liturgy today. We are grateful for him unpacking various riches of our Orthodox Christian Faith for us this weekend!
Wednesday Vespers at 6:30pm. The Christian Ed Class will meet following the service in the parish hall and complete the final class of “The Way Series.” At 8:20pm we will pray the Small Compline for Nativity Fast and then Father will hear confessions. (Note: No class 12/25 or 01/01. Fr. Justin will start the new off on January 8 demonstrating how to make prosphora and other church breads.)