In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent (which begins this year on Monday, March 2) is preceded by four weeks of preparation. This season of preparation touches upon what we eat but even more upon our hymns and appointed readings–all of which call us back to God and prepare us for deep repentance. One of the unique aspects of the Lenten journey, among Orthodox Christians, is our commitment to do Lent together. Lent is a common effort–made by the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the convert Orthodox and cradle-born, the Russians and the Greeks and the Americans! (And at the end of the season, we embrace feasting together, too!) Our full calendar for Great Lent can be found here and can be seen below:
The Pre-Lenten and Lenten seasons both culminate in Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and–ultimately–in Pascha (Easter) itself, which is the supreme celebration of Christ’s victory over death! We invite you to make this journey with us at St. Athanasius–to suffer with Christ and meet him anew in his triumph over sin, death, and the devil. Our full online google calendar is now current through the end of April.
Some specific dates to note as we head into Lent can be found below:
- Feb. 16: Visitor’s Sunday–10am Liturgy with special sermon and detailed church tour that follows a lunch open to all (Facebook Event Page)
- Feb. 20: 720pm Special Wednesday Class “Introducing Orthodox Christianity in One Hour!”
- Feb. 23: Meatfare/Last Judgement Sunday—last day of meat products before Lent
- 6pm Youth Group Meatfare Banquet
- Feb. 26: 720pm Special Wednesday Class “Great Lent & Its Meaning For Me”
- March 1: Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday Liturgy (10am)–last day of dairy products before Lent
- March 2: Clean Monday—Beginning of Great Lent in the Orthodox Church
- March 2-6: Clean Week—services/Confessions morning & evening (see calendar)
- March 8: Sunday of Orthodoxy Liturgy & Procession of Icons
- Post-Liturgy Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Project Mexico
- 5pm Sunday of Orthodoxy Pan-Orthodox Vespers at Assumption GOC Louisville
Stay tuned for more information… And here are some photos from our February 2 18th Parish Anniversary Celebration, during which our former dean and friend-of-the-parish Fr. Stephen Freeman presided and preached: