Sunday Bulletin August 1, 2021
6th Sunday After Pentecost
Procession of the Life-giving Cross
Begin Dormition Fast
One of 4 Paraclesis Services, held during the Dormition Fast, will be served on Monday, August 2 at 11am. Father will be available for confessions after the service.
The 2nd Paraclesis Service will be on Wednesday, August 4 (instead of Vespers). Following the Christian Ed Class will offer a discussion on the Dormition Fast and Feasts. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Great Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is on Friday, August 6. Festal Vigil begins at 6:30pm on Thursday the 5th and confession opportunity will follow. Festal Liturgy will be served on Friday at 10am. Friday is a fish/wine/oil day.