Having marked Thanksgiving and begun the month of December, we enter more deeply into the Nativity Fast, our season of preparation leading to the Feast of our Lord’s Nativity in the Flesh, on December 25.
As we near Christmas, our services focus increasingly on the mystery of the Incarnation. We invite you to join us as we journey towards our Savior’s Birth. If you are a first-time visitor) please explore this welcome page. Check out the many parish events on our December calendar (on the right) or via the google calendar link (which is updated through January.) While “online” is no substitute for “in-person,” feel free to watch our services and weekly Christian Education classes online. If you have any questions about church life, please reach out to Fr. Justin via email or text (859-361-2823.)
Here are some special highlights of church life over the next month:
- our weekly weekend Lord’s Day cycle with Cathedral Vigil on Saturdays at 630pm & Sunday Liturgy at 930am (with Short Sunday School for kids and Fellowship Hour for all following)
- our weekly Wednesday Night Vespers (630pm) & Friday Akathist (11am)
- our weekly Wednesday 11-Part Intro to Orthdoxy Catechesis Series continues (all previously-recorded parts can be found here)
- our weekly Adult “Sunday School” virtually (by request!)
- Adult SS is recorded with live participation via Zoom at 8pm every Tuesday (join conversation with this link.) The recording is also available on our parish YouTube channel
- Multi-Parish Advent Retreat at St. Paul Orthodox Church in Dayton (Dec. 4)
- St. Nicholas Day Events (Vespers & Program starting at 630pm Dec. 5)
- Baptisms & Reception of Converts on Sunday, Dec. 12, starting at 830am)
- St. Herman Day Events (Vespers & Program starting at 630pm Dec. 12)
- Continuing work in Berea as part of our semi-monthly St. Nina Orthodox Mission gatherings
- Daily Services for Pre-Feast of Nativity Dec. 20-25th (see calendar)
- New Year’s Eve Vesperal Liturgy at 5pm with Festive Dinner & New Year’s Dance following…
- Theophany (Epiphany) Eve & the Feast of Theophany itself (Jan. 5 & 6)
- and mark you calendar for our 20th Anniversary on Jan. 29 & 30, when we welcome Achbishop Alexander and Bishop Gerasim for various events including a Grand Banquet, a Festal Vigil, and Hierarchical Liturgy!
Below are photos from the St. Athanasius comunity and St. Nina Mission for the month of November!