In the Orthodox Church, the season leading up to Christmas is a special time for preparation known as the Nativity Fast (also St. Philip’s Fast or Advent.) A number of important feasts
punctuate this season (including our magnificent St. Nicholas Day celebrations.) We invite you to make the journey to our Lord’s Nativity in the Flesh with us, visiting our church during this sacred season. Our graphic calendar with major parish services and events in December is on the right (with January just below.) Our online google calendar can always be accessed here and is usually updated about 3 months in advance. To keep abreast of all the happenings in our parish, we invite you to subscribe to our monthly parish newsletter and to our weekly parish email update.
What is the big news in the parish?
- Forward in Faith Capital Campaign Our parish leadership announced a new capital capaign, the Forward in Faith Campaign, at our Annual Parish Meeting this past September. As of December 1, we have over $230,000 in pledges made and are about 2/3 the way to our goal! Our two-pronged goal of our campaign is
- to fund a second priest position and
- to fully update our immediate and long-term plans for our church campus so that we are ready for healthy and sustained growth both here and in our mission communities (like St. Nina Mission in Berea.)
- Happenings with Christian Education & Formation
- Catechesis is taking place in-person for newcomers and catechumens each Wednesday night at 720-820pm (following 630pm Vespers.) This semester, Fr. Justin is teaching through St. John of Damascus’ 8th-century classic On the Orthodox Faith. New classes are being prepared for each Wednedsay in January, as well.
- Adult Sunday School is open to all teens and adults and is taking place for the second year entirely online, every Wednesday at 8pm. Join each week and participate via Zoom here or catch the recording on our parish YouTube channel.
- Children’s Short Sunday School (ages 3-18) lasts 20 minutes each Sunday immediately after the Liturgy and is in-person. Fellowship Hour follows after the Short Sunday School.
Social & Community Events
- Young Adults (18-30) and Youth Group are meeting regularly (contact office for information)
- Our Men’s Night Group & St. Elizabeth Sisterhood are each gathering for various events during November (see calendars above.)
- Nativity Retreat in Louisville: St. Athanasius members are invited to a Nativity Retreat led by Archimandite Maximos Consias at St. Michael Orthodox Church on Dec. 16 and 17. (See flier at right)
Again, we welcome you to visit St. Athanasius. It is our delight to share with you the riches of the Orthodox Christian Faith–our worship of God and warm fellowship as believers! Below are some windows into our parish during the previous month of November that includes also the festive decoration of the church for the Christmas season. Our parish is very much alive with divine services, choir rehearsals, service projects, hiking trips, college ministry, Christian Education, and much more… Come be a part of it!