Nativity Services:
- Wednesday, Dec. 23, 7am: Matins of the Forefeast (1hr)
- Wednesday, Dec. 23, 6:30pm: Vespers of the Forefeast (45 min)
- Thursday, Dec. 24, 8am: Royal Hours (1.5 hr)
- Thursday, Dec. 24, 11:30am: Vesperal Liturgy (2.5 hr)
- Thursday, Dec. 24, 6:30pm: Vigil for Nativity (2 hr)
- Friday, Dec. 25, 8am: Nativity Liturgy (1.5 hr)
- Saturday, Dec. 26. 9am: Synaxis of the Theotokos (1 hr)
New Year’s/Circumcision of the Lord/St. Basil:
- Thursday, Dec. 31, 5pm: Great Vespers (45 min)
- Friday, Jan. 1, 9am: Liturgy for the Feast (1 hr)
Please check our online service schedule (sidebar) for additional “usual” service times and for the times for the upcoming Theophany cycle in January.