A Special Paschal Scripture Study
will be presented on Wednesdays 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Date Topic
February 13 Introduction, Genesis 1:13
February 20 Isaiah 60:1-16
February 27 The Exodus (especially 12:1-11)
March 6 Prophecy of Jonah
March 13 Joshua (especially 5:10-15)
March 20 Exodus 13:20-15:1 & Song of Moses
March 27 Zephaniah 3:8-15, Isaiah 61:10-62:5; 61:1-9
April 3 III Kings 17:8-24 & IV Kings 4:8-27
April 10 Genesis 22:1-18
April 17 Isaiah 63:11-64:5 & Jeremiah 31:31-34
April 24 Daniel 3:1-57
Fr. Justin and lay leaders will be teaching these classes in the parish hall after 6:30pm Vespers. Fr. Justin asks that you read the scriptures beforehand so that you will bring questions, thoughts, and inspiration to share during the class. Everyone is welcome to attend and encouraged to bring a friend. For more information call the church office 859-881-8144 or visit our website www.athanasiusoca.org.