On Saturday, April 20 from 10am until 2pm, St. Athanasius is one of three local faith communities who are hosting a non-religious community service event to foster ways to enrich our daily lives. This event will take place at West Jessamine Middle School on Wilmore Road (highway 29) in Jessamine County. Exhibits/events include:
raising chickens (chicken tractor on site)
bread making
family history
food preservation (buying in bulk to economize)
candle making
fire safety
energy conservation and electrical safety
internet safety (cyber protection and pornography)
marriage counseling and enrichment options
local 12-step group information
information (and sign-up) for Dave Ramsey classes
rape aggression defense (rad) information and dialogue
local volunteer opportunities in Jessamine County
CPR training
Beehive exhibit
72-hour emergency kit preparation
family fun nights
blood donations
wellness screenings