Procession Last Sunday for Blessing of Rain Garden/Playground
Child Safety Compliance: The child safety committee would like to wrap up the interviews with the volunteers today during fellowship hour. If you have not completed your paperwork, please do so today.
Moleben for Local Needs prayed on Tuesday at 11am.
Vespers at 6:30pm on Wednesday followed by our weekly Christian Education Class at 7:20pm. This week Fr. Justin will continue with discussion on the liturgy and wording.
Parish Council Meeting on Thursday at 7:30pm. All parishioners are welcome.
Matins on Friday at 8am. Confessions at 9am.
Combined Baby Shower for Vera Foushee and Kristin Winter next Saturday, October 24 from 2-4pm in the parish hall. This event is hosted by the St. Elizabeth Sisterhood and all women of the parish are invited.
Skills for Sacramental Marriage Workshop: Friday, Nov. 3 at 6pm & Saturday, Nov. 4 at 10am
Do you find yourself having the same arguement with your spouse over and over again? If so, you are not alone. Research shows that 69% of arguments are about perpetual problems.
This workshop teaches 10 relationship skills from an orthodox/ sacramental perspective. You will learn to recover the positive aspects in your marriage that may have been misplaced in the demands of life; have a connecting and productive conversation about an ongoing issue; and find creative ways to invest in your relationship during this stage of life no matter how busy you are.