September in Kentucky is one of the most beautiful of times here: “Indian Summer.” September is also the month when parish life tends to return to “normal.” Summertime travels have concluded. The children and young adults are back in school. We welcome new college students to our community. Sunday School resumes, as does our youth group. Fr. Justin begins new catechesis (instruction) series in this month, as well. We invite you to join us for any of our services and events. Among our many upcoming events coming up (beyond our normal schedule of services):
- Aug. 29: Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Great Vespers Sun. 6:30pm & Liturgy Mon. 9:30am)
- Aug. 30: Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) Campus Ministry at UK resumes (6:30pm every Tuesday at the St. Augustine Chapel)
- Aug. 31: Pan-Orthodox Service for New Ecclesiastical Year at 6pm, St. Andrew’s in Lexington (no Wed. Vespers at St. Athanasius)
- Sept. 8: Nativity of the Theotokos Feast (Great Vespers Wed. 6:30pm & Liturgy Thurs 9:30am)
- Sept. 10: Pan-Orthodox Great Vespers at Holy Queen Greek Orthodox Church at 6pm
- Sept. 11: Sunday School & Youth Group Resumes (contact Fr. Justin for more details)
- Sept. 14: Exaltation of the Cross (Vigil Tues. 6:30pm & Liturgy Wed. at 9:30am)
- Sept. 14 & 21: Special 2-Part Class Wednesday at 7:20pm exploring the sights, sound, and structure of the Vigil Service of the Orthodox Church
- Sept. 17: Saturday Choir Rehearsal at 7:20pm after Great Vespers
- Sept. 25: Annual Parish Meeting after the Sunday Liturgy (Childcare Provided)
- Sept. 28: 11-Part Catechesis (“Orthodoxy 101”) Series begins for newcomers each Wednesday at 7:20pm, following weekly Vespers at 6:30pm