Sunday, February 7, 2016 / 36th Sunday After Pentecost
Today’s Readings: 1 Timothy 1:15-17 Matthew 15:21-28
•9am Proskomdedia Sunday School
Teaching Proskomedia and Liturgy this Sunday: Fr. Justin and Deacon Simeon will pray their entrance prayers, vest, and conduct the Proskomedia (Preparation Service) in the nave for all to see. While the middle and high-schoolers will still have Sunday School, we will invite the younger children (and adults who might want to see the service) to join us at 9am. Our Liturgy today will feature all the prayers read out loud. Fr. Justin will pause at several moments in the service to explain the meaning of various aspects of the Liturgy.
•10am Divine Liturgy (Teaching)
Wednesday Vespers at 6:30pm and our weekly catechesis follows ~7:20pm. This week the Christian Education class will be a music and choir workshop led by Choir Director, Rick Cook. Everyone is welcome!
The Sacrament of the Home: The Art of Marriage, Family and Parenting is the title of a retreat being held at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Louisville, KY on Saturday, February 13, led by Dr. Philip Mamalakis. Dr. Mamalakis is a professor of pastoral care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary and a licensed therapist. The retreat will begin ~10:30am in the Parish Center following 9:30am Matins which will be held in the St. George Chapel. There is no charge for the retreat, child care will be available, and lunch will be provided. If you plan to attend please RSVP to