2nd Sunday of Great Lent: St. Gregory Palamas
Today’s Readings: Hebrews 1:10-2:3 Mark 2:1-12
Saturday, March 26 / Synaxis of Archangel Gabriel
Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat w/Fr. Michael Oleksa
•9am Matins followed by Registration •10am Session I •11:45am Session II
•1pm Lunch (provided) •1:45pm Session III •3pm Great Vespers •3:45pm Confessions
Sunday, March 27 •9am Sunday School •10am Divine Liturgy •12pm Fellowship Hour (team III) •12:30-1:15pm Bread Ministry (team B) •6pm HS Girls Group
Lenten Prayers: Canon to the Theotokos on Tuesday at 11am (lasts ~45 minutes).
Presanctified Liturgy begins at 5:55pm on Wednesday followed by soup/ salad meal and scripture readings. Please use the online “Signup Genius” to signup to bring either a soup, salad or bread for one of the Wednesday evening services.
Feast of St. Innocent of Alaska is Thurday, March 31.
Friday, April 1, Presanctified Liturgy will be served at 11am.