Ask any Orthodox child and he or she will have no trouble explaining to you that the most awesome time of the year is Holy Week and Pascha (as we Orthodox call Easter). The services of Holy Week, no less than those of Pascha and Bright Week (the festive week after Easter) are beloved and well-attended by our people.
This year, Orthodox Christians celebrate Pascha on May 1 (quite late). As Pascha draws near, one of the great joys of our people is to welcome visitors (Orthodox or not; Christian or not). Please come and celebrate these holy and unique days with us. The full 2016 St. Athanasius Lenten Calendar features extended opportunities during Lent for divine services, retreat, and service. Also, you can view our complete day-by-day guide for Holy Week: 2016 Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Pascha Service Schedule.
Special events to note (outside of the weekly Presanctified Liturgies on Wednesdays and Fridays and the weekend services):
- April 3: Sunday of the Cross (Midpoint of Great Lent)
- April 4-7: Youth Group Monastery Retreat at Holy Transfiguration Women’s Monastery in PA
- April 14: Matins with Complete Canon of St. Andrew & Life of St. Mary of Egypt (Mini-in-church Retreat 8am-11am)
- April 22: Final Vespers in Lent (Father asks that all adult Confessions before Pascha be given by this day)
- April 23: Lazarus Saturday services & activities (Confessions for children 8-teen; palm-folding)
- April 24: Palm Sunday Liturgy in Nicholasville & Bridegroom Matins in Berea, KY
- April 25-30: Holy Week services & activities
- May 1: Great & Holy PASCHA services & picnic
- May 2: St. Athanasius Day (Paschal Liturgy & Celebration)
- May 2-6: Bright Week (Paschal) Services every day
- May 7: Paschal Vespers & Hike in Berea, KY