St. Athansius’ Wednesday night Christian Education slot, for the entire month of August, will be devoted to exploring the topic of Orthodoxy & Society. Using the template of Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church (known as the OCK in Russian acronym and making use of the artful translation of the same document rendered in English as The Orthodox Church & Society,) Fr. Justin is leading us through topics that include the Church’s relationship to the state, the law, war, peace, the economy, crime, health care, bioethics, science, marriage, and a host of pressing societal questions. Sessions begin at 7:20pm and follow our Wednesday evening services (6:30pm) and will continue for all 5 Wednesdays in August. We welcome visitors! Audio of the sessions will be posted as they are available. (As of September 9, 2016, all audio of this series has been posted online here.)
Session 1 (Intro, Church & Nation, Church & State) from August 3
Session 2 (Church & Politics, Christianity & Law, Labor) from August 10
Session 3 (Property, War & Peace) from August 17
Session 4 (Crime & Punishment, Personal & Public Morality, Health) from August 24
Session 5 (Bioethics, Abortion, Euthanasia, Sexuality, International Relations) from September 7