Sunday, October 2, 2016 — 1st Annual Visitor Sunday
Today’s Readings: 2 Corinthians 4:6-15 Luke 6:31-36
Congratulations to Rick Cook and Jeff Hart on their election to parish council. They join Fr. Justin (priest and council president,) Deacon Simeon (ex officio council member,) Rebecca Wilson (council warden,) Keith Buhler (council secretary,) and Alina Rizea-Rusu. Our proposed budget was approved by the parish community. To our parish family: thank you for participating in our Annual Parish Meeting this past Sunday. May the Lord bless this upcoming year!
Fall 2016 Introduction to Orthodoxy Series: A Basic Catechesis in Orthodox Christianity
Begins Wednesday, October 5 following 6:30pm Vespers Everyone is invited to join Fr. Justin on Wednesday evenings (~7:20pm) for this teaching on the basics of the Orthodox Faith. Parishioners are encouraged to attend as review of their faith as well as catechumens, inquirers, and those just curious. Bring a friend and learn about the basic tenents of Orthodoxy. A complete day-by-day syllabus is available in the narthex.