16th Sunday After Pentecost
New Martyrs of Alaska
Readings for Today: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 (Epistle) Romans 8:28-39 (Epistle, New Martyrs) Luke 5:1-11 (Gospel) Luke 21:12-19 (Gospel, New Martyrs)
Liturgical Services this Week at St. Athanasius
- Akathist to St. John the Theologian at 11am on Tuesday / Confession
- Vespers on Wednesday at 6:30
- Akathist Protection of the Theotokos on Friday at 11am/confessions
Parish Life Activities this Week
- Mt.5:4 Fellowship on Monday at 7:30pm and the home of Mary Bradshaw
- Christian Ed Class on Wednesday (after Vespers) continuing with the new OCA Series
- Adult SS via zoom on Wednesday 8-9pm. Use the scan code below.