Sunday, February 5, 2017
Publican & Pharisee Sunday St. Theodosius of Chenrigov
Today’s Readings: 2 Timothy 3:10-15 Luke 18:10-14
Welcome and Thanks to the friends and family who have traveled to be with us this weekend for our 15th Anniversary Celebration!
Pascha Passports & Stamps will be passed out by the altar servers after Liturgy today to our elementary school students.
“Enjoy a Fast-Free Week in Honor and Humility of the Publican!”
No Moleben This Week. Father is still conserving his voice.
Rally for Life this Wednesday at 1pm at State Capitol in Frankfort. Fr. Justin will be leading a caravan departing from the church at 11:15am. The Governor will address the gathering in the rotunda and it will be a chance for us to visit with our legislators and make our concerns regarding the sanctity of life known. Come and connect to others who share these concerns. Fr. Justin is happy to write excuse notes for any children who will miss school for the event!
Wednesday Vespers at 6:30pm. Alana Sheldahl will teach the Christian Education Class this evening beginning at ~7:20pm. The topic will be “An Orthodox View of End Times using Apocolyptic Literature and the Book of Revelations.”