January 5 – Eve of Theophany (strict fast)
7am Royal Hours with Indoor Water Blessing
6:30pm Vigil of Theophany
January 6 – Feast of Theophany of our Lord
7am Festal Liturgy of Theophany
8:15am Festal Breakfast
January 11 – 11:45am Outdoor Water Blessing w/Cross Procession
at Lake Mingo (This procession immediately follows Divine Liturgy.)
Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the St John the Forerunner, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. We hope you will join in this celebrating this Feast Day.
“In addition to the rich services the Church provides for us in the season of Theophany, this season also is the traditional time to have our homes blessed. Orthodox Christians see this house blessing as an extension of the renewal of the world that Theophany marks. Fr. Justin is happy to bless everyone’s home at this time of year, both Orthodox Christians and those who are not Orthodox who nonetheless would appreciate this blessing of their home or business. Father reminds everybody, however, to sign up soon so he can arrange his schedule for January. The sign-up sheet is in the parish hall. You can email Fr. Justin to get more information or to find other times outside of the official available schedule.”
Theophany House Blessing Service
Save the dates of January 31 and February 1!
Archbishop Nikon will be with us to formally dedicate our new Church. On Saturday the 31st, at 4pm we will serve Great Vespers w/Dedication Prayers. A wine and cheese reception will follow at ~5:20pm and the banquet will begin at 6pm in our parish hall. Tickets for the reception/banquet are $20 per person and must be paid in advance. Seating will be limited so you must RSVP with payment. On Sunday, February 1 there will be Hierarchal Divine Liturgy & Ordination of our first Deacon at 9:30am. At 12pm there will be a special parish-wide potluck (open to everyone) to celebrate this special weekend of Dedication and Ordination! For more information email officeasst@athanasiusoca.org.