On the weekend of February 4th and 5th, the St. Athanasius community observed the 15th Anniversary of its official inauguration as a mission of the Orthodox Church in America. We served Great Vespers with Litya on Saturday evening, followed by an incredible dessert spread and reminisces offered by Matushka Lauren Rucker Pulley, as well as founding members Reader Wes Sheldahl and David Pitts. You can listen to their reflections here:
On Sunday morning, parish alumnus Fr. Patrick (Wes) Pulley served his first Liturgy with our St. Athanasius family. Fr. Patrick–currently serving at St. Cyprian’s OCA parish in Richmond Virginia–presided and preached, assisted by our Deacon Simeon Siskar and another alumnus of our parish, Deacon David Bibeau, currently serving at St. Andrew’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Lexington. At the end of the Liturgy, we prayed a Moleben of Thanksgiving for God’s goodness to our parish and entreated Him for many more years of blessing on the work of St. Athanasius Orthodox Church. In addition, the more than 150 worshipers were able to sing a proper “Axios” for Fr. Patrick and Matushka Lauren as they begin their full-time ministry in our diocese. In true St. Athanasius style, we ended everything with a large meal, contributed by our diverse congregation–enjoying potluck dishes from four continents! Photos from both Saturday and Sunday events are below.