First Sunday of Lent / Sunday of Orthodoxy
Today’s Readings: Hebrews 11:24-6,32-12:2 John 1:43-51
Youth Group Members & Families and all who want to travel to Louisville to celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy will meet at St. Athanasius parking lot at 3pm this Sunday afternoon. This event will be at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church and everyone is encouraged to go and participate in this Pan-Orthodox service. Don’t forget your icons!
Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy is at 5:55pm on March 8 followed by our Lenten soup & salad meal w/reading from St. John Climacus. Please join us and be sure to signup to bring soup, salad, or bread at least one of the weeks you are attending.
Festal Matins for the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste will be served at 9am on Thursday, March 9.
Friday Presanctified Liturgy is at 11am. Father will hear confessions prior to the service beginning at 10am.
Memorial Saturday Liturgy will be served next Saturday the 11th at 9am. Also, Memorial Litya will be served at 6:15pm just prior to Great Vespers.