4th Sunday of Pascha, Sunday of the Paralytic
Repose of St Alexis Toth, Confessor & Defender of Orthodoxy in America
Today’s Readings: Acts 9:32-42 John 5:1-15
Wednesday Vespers will be served at 6:30pm on May 10. The Christian Education class begins at 7:20pm and Fr. Justin will will be teaching Part 2 of a series on the “Doctrine of Christ,” based on a short catechetical book by Archbishop Dmitri of blessed memory. This class is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Orthodox Faith.
Parish Council Meeting on Thursday, May 11 at 7:30pm. Parishioners are welcome! We will hear a presentation about online giving methods.
Gardening Volunteers Needed During the summer and early fall months, we will be meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month to tend to the gardening needs of our church property from 9:30-11:30am. Volunteers are welcome to come for all or part of that time and should plan to bring their own tools. The first gardening date will be next Saturday, May 13.