Our parish family–consisting both of Americans & families from various countries–loves to welcome visitors. Come & see what is happening in our parish:
Regular Worship & Fellowship Events (see online calendar)
630pm Saturdays Great Vespers (50 mins) or Vigil (100 minutes) followed by Confessions
10am Sundays Divine Liturgy
1145am Sundays Fellowship Hour (light meal and coffee)
630pm Wednesdays Vespers
Regular Educational Events (see online calendar for more detail)
9-950am Sunday School (2nd grade-adult)
1130am-noon Sunday School (Pre-K-1st grade)
720-820pm Wednesday Christian Education Class (newcomer friendly)
Additional November Events (see online calendar for more detail)
Nov. 4, Sat., 730-11pm Benefit Dance for Crisis Relief
Nov. 5, Sun., 1145am Benefit Chili Cook-off for Youth Camp ?
Nov. 15, Wed., Advent (Nativity Fast) Begins!
Nov. 19, Sun., 1145am Benefit Spaghetti-luncheon for Crisis Relief
Nov. 19, Sun., 6pm Youth Group Trivia Night
Nov. 20, Mon., 630pm Vigil for Entry of the Theotokos Feast
Nov. 21, Tues., 8am Liturgy for Entry of the Theotokos Feast
Nov. 22, Wed., 630pm Compline with Thanksgiving Akathist
Nov. 23, Thurs., 830am Thanksgiving Day Liturgy
And much more in December. Visit our online calendar for information on our Nativity and Epiphany Services and beyond…