Following the Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam & Eve from Paradise, also known as Forgiveness Sunday, the Orthodox Church begins her beloved season of “Bright Sadness.” Great Lent is both a time of deep repentance and supreme joy–ultimately leading us to our Lord’s Passion and Resurrection. Our parish’s master booklet for Great Lent can be found here. Fr. Justin’s reflection on “How to Keep Lent” can be found here. A basic outline of fasting guidelines for the approaching season is here. If you prefer to view everything through google calendar, you can access that here. We invite you to make this journey with us. Here are some important moments in Lent we hope you can share with us:
- Feb. 18: Forgiveness/Cheesefare Sunday—last day for dairy before Lent
- Feb. 18: Sun. 5pm Forgiveness Vespers
- Feb. 19: Clean Monday—Beginning of Great Lent in the Orthodox Church
- Feb. 19-23: Clean Week—services/Confessions every morning & evening (see calendar)
- Feb. 25: Sun. 5pm Triumph of Orthodoxy Vespers at Panagia GOC
- March 3: Sat. Lenten Retreat w/ Fr. Stephen Freeman (“Providence & the Divine Fire”)
- 11am Session 1 (childcare)
- 1215pm Lunch
- 115pm Session 2 (childcare)
- 230pm Great Vespers following
- Also… regular weekday lenten services include:
- Wednesdays Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 615-730pm followed by Soup & Salad Dinner with readings from Everyday Saints
- Fridays Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 11am-1215pm
- Stay tuned for more information…