Christ is Risen! ?????o? ??????! ???????? ????????! Hristos a înviat!
At midnight, on Pascha Day, our parish observed the Feast of Feasts with a record attendance. We invite you to come and join us for various upcoming events as we continue to mark the Paschal Season over the next two months. We also invite you to read or watch the Paschal Message of His Beatitude, our Metropolitan Tikhon. Here are some events in Bright Week & Later in April:
- Wed. 11: 630pm Paschal Vespers
- Women’s Night afterwards (details TBA)
- Thu. 12: 9am Paschal Liturgy & Breakfast
- Fri. 13: 9am Paschal Liturgy for Life-Giving Spring
- 6pm Bright Friday Ethnic Dance in Hall (open to all!)
- Sat. 14: 2pm Parish Hike in Berea (meet at 2pm @ the Pinnacles, hike, Vespers on summit)
- Sat. 14: 630pm Deacon’s Vespers in Nicholasville (no Confessions)
- Sun. 15: 9am Sunday School & 10am St. Thomas Liturgy
- St. Thomas Sunday Grave Blessing (see Fr. Justin)
- Tues. 17: 7pm Men’s Night @ Carl’s House on Herrington Lake
- Wed. 18: 630pm Vespers followed by Special Class on Baking Church Bread for Eucharist!
- and much more… Visit our regularly-updated parish online calendar.