Feast for Holy Pentecost
Today’s Readings: Acts 2:1-11 John 7:37-52, 8:12
Today after Liturgy we will process outside to the Belfry for the Blessing of the new bells, then continue our procession back to the nave for Kneeling Vespers.
Holy Spirit Liturgy with special intentions for Memorial Day will be served on Monday at 9am. Following we will enjoy a festal breakfast in the parish hall.
Enjoy a Fast-Free Week! Remember the Apostles’ Fast begins on Monday June 4.
Vespers served at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 30 and Father’s class on the Saints will resume with a special focus on Ante-Nicene fathers like St. Irenaeus of Lyons.
Feast for St. Justin Martyr is Friday, June 1
Great Vespers for St. Justin will be served 6:30pm on Thursday and Liturgy for St. Justin will be 10:30am on Friday. Since it is Fr. Justin’s namesday–he will be offering fast-free breakfast to those who come and celebrate the Feast of St. Justin Martyr. But he is asking for RSVP’s (email or text) if you plan to stay so that he can prepare the food ahead of time.