The second-most sacred season in the Orthodox Church culminates in Christmas (Dec. 25 on the new calendar) and Epiphany (Jan. 6.) We keep these feasts (on the new calendar) with great solemnity and joy. We invite you to join us for these services:
- Wednesday, December 19 (Pre-Feast of Nativity)
- 630pm Vespers & 720pm Christmas Education
- 820pm Small Compine w/ pre-Nativity hymns & Confessions
- Saturday, December 22 (Pre-Feast of Nativity)
- 530pm Slavonic-language Akathist to the Theotokos
- 630pm Vigil for the Sunday before Nativity
- 815pm Confessions (last scheduled time!)
- Sunday, December 23 (Sunday before Nativity)
- 10am Divine Liturgy & Fellowship Hour
- Monday, December 24 (Christmas Eve)
- 9am Royal Hours of Christmas
- 1030am Vesperal Liturgy of the Eve
- 630pm Great Vigil for Nativity & Carols
- Tuesday, Deember 25 (Christmas Day)
- 8am Christmas Day Liturgy & Carols
- Wednesday, Dec. 26 (Synaxis of the Theotokos)
- 9am 2nd Day Nativity Liturgy & Breakfast
- 630pm Great Vespers for St. Stephen’s Feast
Also, mark your calendars for these additional upcoming dates:
- Dec. 31 @ 530pm: Vesperal Liturgy for New Year/Circumcision/St. Basil
- Epiphany-Theophany Services
- Jan. 4 @ 9am: Royal Hours & Confessions
- Jan. 5 @ 9am: Theophany Eve Liturgy & Indoor Water Blessing
- Jan. 5 @ 630pm: Great Vigil for Theophany & Confessions
- Jan. 6 @ 10am: Theophany Liturgy & Great Blessing of Water Outdoors (location tba)
Also, stay tuned for our post-Theophany Houseblessing schedule. Everyone who attends our parish (member or not) is invited to sign-up. For more on the Orthodox Houseblessing traditions, read here.