Today’s Readings: 2Cor. 1:21-2:4 Matt. 22:1-14
Vespers on Wednesday, September 5 at 6:30pm. Following the Christian Education Class will meet to continue with the series “Orthodox Reflections on Mere Christianity.” Recordings of these classes can be accessed thru the website.
Saturday, September 8—The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary will be celebrated with Vigil on Friday, September 7 at 6:30pm (8pm Confessions) and Liturgy at 9am on Saturday. Following Liturgy will be Brunch and the “Festival of the Church New Year & Ministry Fair.” See bulletin insert for details. The day will end with Great Vespers at 3pm (followed by Confessions). No evening service.
Reminder: Sunday School Begins next Sunday, September 9—9am; Also, Youth Group starts the school year off with a canoeing adventure Sunday afternoon.