Synaxis of Ss. Joachim/Anna
Today’s Readings: 2Cor. 4:6-15 Matt. 22:35-46
Sunday School Begins Today! Grades 2-12 and adults meet 9-9:45am. Preschool and grade 1 meet after Liturgy.
Vespers on Wednesday, September 12 at 6:30pm. Following the Christian Education Class will meet to continue with week 5 of the series “Orthodox Reflections on Mere Christianity.” The final class for this series will be next week the 19th. Recordings of these classes can be accessed thru the website.
Services this week for the Elevation of the Precious Cross include Vigil on Thursday the 13th at 6:30pm (with confessions following) and Liturgy at 9am on Friday (a strict fasting day). The Cross is brought out most sacredly at about 8pm during Vigil on Thursday.